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127 Waterkant St, De Waterkant, Cape Town, 8001


Bernadette, best known as Bern, has been practicing yoga for 16 years. She discovered Bikram at Cape Town’s first hot yoga studio in Wynberg and never looked back. Since then, she has found a love for vinyasa and Power Yoga. With a keen interest in health, Bern’s background as a food writer and cookbook author made for an easy transition to teaching yoga. She completed her teacher training at YogaLife and is passionate about dynamic vinyasa with an emphasis on music and playlists. Her inspiration sources from the teachings she has received on her own mat: “Yoga has taught me mindfulness through breath and movement; it has taught me to be completely present, both on and off the mat. The practice of yoga is a gift that keeps on giving, and it’s a gift I’m excited to share with all my students.”

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