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127 Waterkant St, De Waterkant, Cape Town, 8001


“Yoga is about cultivating stillness within movement, uncovering ease within discomfort, creating freedom within containment, discipline within play, intertwining breath with subtle activations while synchronising body and mind as one” 

Tara’s yoga journey began with a connection to the physical aspects. Growing up as a dancer, Tara has always expressed herself through movement. However, her true love for yoga blossomed as she immersed herself in the spiritual and mindful aspects of yoga. Tara’s passion is teaching and sharing the gift of yoga with others. She is a firm believer in sharing and expressing what you learn on your mat in all aspects of your life.

Please book for all classes using the MindBody Fitness app

– Use Your email address to set-up account

– Search for Yoga Life

– Make us a Favourite by clicking the heart

– Book class you want to attend via schedule

Click here to book  for CPT


Click here to book  for Noordhoek
